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3 Signs Your Septic System Needs to Be Replaced

Apr 25, 2024

Your home’s septic system is a valuable asset that helps keep your home sanitary by removing all of its wastewater. If your home is not connected to a municipal septic service, you likely have a septic tank and drainage field that handles the wastewater produced by the daily activities in your home. It’s easy to forget about a septic tank and the other components that make the system work until something goes wrong. When that happens, you may need to replace your old system with a new one. Here are three signs that you need to replace your septic system.

1. Tank Is Older Than Expected Service Life

You should keep track of how old the septic tank is, so you can have an idea of how many more years it might last. According to Bob Vila, a septic tank lasts between 20 and 30 years when it’s maintained well. If yours is nearing the 20- or 30-year mark, it’s time to consider replacement options. Regularly pumping the septic tank every two or three years and maintaining the septic drains and leach field will help the system last as long as possible.

2. Ground Is Damp and Smells Foul

You might notice lush green grass growing over the septic tank. That’s a sign that the tank or septic drain is leaking and possibly damaged. When the wastewater gets into the soil, it nourishes the grass above it, which can make it thick and green. The wastewater can also make the soil feel damp and muddy due to excessive water. Because wastewater is causing this excess, it also could have a very foul odor that indicates it is time to replace the septic tank and support system.

3. Sewage Backs up Into Your Home

One of the most telling signs that it is time to consider replacing your septic system is when you start getting sewage backups. One might suggest a pumping service or drain cleaning might be needed. More than one in a matter of months is a sure sign that the septic tanks and drainage systems are at the end of their service lives. You could have a septic service provider inspect your system to determine if it’s repairable or if it’s best to replace the entire system with a new one.

When your home’s septic system needs maintenance, repair, or replacement, call C9 Septic & Irrigation to schedule service. Our experts will help your septic tank and system last up to 30 years. Let our team help and watch as your problems disappear.

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